

This indicates that 3CX DesktopApp Supply Chain Backdoor traffic was detected in the network.
3CX DesktopApp is a popular video conference desktop client. A compromised library with backdoor was compiled into the installers for some Windows and MAC versions. The attackers are believed to be linked to North Korea.

description-logoOutbreak Alert

Security researchers observed that the threat actors abused a popular business communication software by 3CX. The reports mention that a version of the 3CX VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) desktop client was trojanized and is being used to attack multiple organizations.

View the full Outbreak Alert Report

affected-products-logoAffected Products

Electron Windows App (shipped in Update 7) versions 18.12.407 and 18.12.416
Electron Mac App versions 18.11.1213, 18.12.402, 18.12.407, and 18.12.416

Impact logoImpact

System Compromise: Remote attackers can gain control of vulnerable systems.

recomended-action-logoRecommended Actions

Please use Anti-Virus software to scan and clean the system.
Please follow the latest advisory from the vendor.

Telemetry logoTelemetry


IPS (Regular DB)
IPS (Extended DB)

Version Updates

Date Version Detail
2023-04-12 23.534 Default_action:pass:drop
2023-03-30 23.525