

This indicates an attempt to use Dnscat2 DNS Tunnel.
Dnscat2 is a proxy tool that can tunnel data over DNS to bypass firewall policy. Some malware and APT attacks have used Dnscat2 to communicate with C&C servers.

affected-products-logoAffected Products

All systems

Impact logoImpact

System Compromise: Remote attackers can gain control of vulnerable systems.

recomended-action-logoRecommended Actions

Monitor the traffic from the network for any suspicious activity.

Telemetry logoTelemetry


IPS (Regular DB)
IPS (Extended DB)

Version Updates

Date Version Detail
2019-12-10 15.741 Default_action:pass:drop
2019-10-16 14.705 Sig Added
2019-09-24 14.693 Sig Added
2019-09-20 14.692