

It indicates an attempt to access a password file on Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS) or FrontPage PWS.

Due to design errors in file permissions, a remote attacker can gain access to the various password files on a machine running PWS, which contains usernames and encrypted passwords. This problem is specific to Microsoft FrontPage extension for Unix.

affected-products-logoAffected Products

Any unprotected Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 running Frontpage 1.1 or Frontpage 98 is vulnerable to the attack.

Impact logoImpact

Information leak may assist future attacks

recomended-action-logoRecommended Actions

Disable the Personal Web Server if possible.

Telemetry logoTelemetry


IPS (Regular DB)
IPS (Extended DB)

Version Updates

Date Version Detail
2018-11-20 13.494 Default_action:pass:drop
2018-10-10 13.469 Sig Added