RedHat opencryptoki CVE-2021-3798 Vulnerability


The opencryptoki packages contain version 2.11 of the PKCS#11 API,implemented for IBM Cryptocards, such as IBM 4764 and 4765 crypto cards.These packages includes support for the IBM 4758 Cryptographic CoProcessor(with the PKCS#11 firmware loaded), the IBM eServer CryptographicAccelerator (FC 4960 on IBM eServer System p), the IBM Crypto Express2 (FC0863 or FC 0870 on IBM System z), and the IBM CP Assist for CryptographicFunction (FC 3863 on IBM System z). The opencryptoki packages also bring asoftware token implementation that can be used without any cryptographichardware. These packages contain the Slot Daemon (pkcsslotd) and generalutilities. Bug Fix(es) and Enhancement(s): RHEL8.5 - openCryptoki: Soft token does not check if an EC key is valid (BZ#1979173) SolutionBefore applying this update, make sure all previously released erratarelevant to your system have been applied.For details on how to apply this update, refer to:

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CVE References
